Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Going on a road trip....

I hope everyone's summer is getting off to the perfect start. Mine is fantastic, I am leaving on a road trip on Thursday and am planning out my knitting for the road. I hope to have some significant progress on a new pattern for 2 Askew Designs and may also be able to finish up my latest sock pattern which is a pretty basic lace pattern. We will be meeting our daughter and her boyfriend in Utah and having a bit of family fun. They are riding their bikes on a summer tour, phew, a couple of tough cookies for sure! Aren't they cute with all their gear and just ready to roll. They are already in on their ride and we are hoping to meet up with them in Escalante.

Stay tuned to this Askew channel for more to come. I will be gone about 10 days, but will check in when I get back!

Knit on! Jeanne

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